As a website design company in Detroit, we find ourselves spending most of our time making our clients websites look beautiful. However, as is the case with all websites, every company needs to look at their online presence and constantly make changes to keep up with the latest online trends. While recently going through a website redesign of our website, we found ourselves rushing and not necessarily going through the same, rigorous process that we use for our other client website redesigns. Below are a few of the lessons that we learned while attempting to tackle our own website redesign project in the midst of a very busy season for our business.
Website Redesign Outline And Follow Your Own Process
We have a well defined process that we follow for each of our website redesign projects. However when it came to our own website, we tended to duck some of our processes which only led to further problems. Our processes are put in place for a reason and without these “rules”, our project dragged on for far too long.
Set Aside Ample Time For Each Website Redesign Project
One problem with working on our own website redesign was finding the time to devote to the work when we had so many other SEO, graphic design and website redesign projects going on at the same time. The reality is that if we do not devote ample time to our own projects, we will lose sight of our goals which can translate into not following through on our internal website project and ultimately result in a loss of clients. By looking at our website design project as just as important as our other client projects, we were able to stick to strict timelines and deliver a finished product that would wow ourselves as well as our current and potential customers.
Use The Latest Website Redesign Technologies
One of the main reasons to “reboot” your website is to utilize some of the latest design trends. These trends currently include responsive website design as well as changes to Google Algorithm’s which relate to SEO. These technologies are constantly changing and we feel that it is important to not only utilize these technologies with our client’s projects, but ours as well.
Ready For A Website Redesign Reboot?
If you feel as though your website could use a new look utilizing the latest web technologies, give Savior Image Web Design a call today at (586) 524-8255. We would be happy to sit down with you to discuss how we can help boost your online presence and begin to turn more of your website visitors into paying customers from a website redesign.